End of the World
Today , It seems like end of the world to me !!I can't believe true father is transits in the spirt world ..I cried so hard I cant stop crying from myself. I feel so regrets for my pass life .I didn't join blessing for the pass few years !!!! TF I love u so much It is very hard to say goodbye .I don't want to say goodbye to u , please father. True father has been suffering for whole life in order to bring salvation and peace for mankind ..
True Father ,I am awaken .I am truly awake while you were in hospital .I have been in deep sleep for seven years but when I determine myself then you had gone .
Father why you take true father away? Is that an Indeminity ? we dont want True father to bear for us anymore ,father I am exmelty down .I couldnt breath .I though the miracle will happened .My heart is bleeding
I can't bear to leave true father !!! I love u true parents !!!
True Father , I know you try the best to make it because you love us more that God has loved you .True father please dun go .......
It is too hard to say goodbye to you .I cant stop my tears falling down on my face .
Thank you ,True father for being part of my life for last seven years.Thank you for all your love and your guidance .Thank you for everything .Word couldn't express my gratitute to you .
from now on I can't cry anymore to be strong to carry up true parents's work on earth !! Father I can't focus at anything now..my mind keep thinking of u , True father , I miss u so badly
True Father , I miss you so badly .You will be missed forever in my hearts